Papua New Guinea is known for its diverse cultures and economies, with a significant portion of the population engaged in agriculture and traditional activities. However, economic data and the wealth of individuals in Papua New Guinea may not be as extensively documented as in some other countries.
Determining the wealthiest individuals without credible sources to support the information can be challenging. This list does not accurately reflect the true net worth and facts, as it is compiled from various sources, including people's opinions. if you know the wealthiest people in PNG or we have not listed them here or any corrections to this article please email our editorial team so that we can include them in this list our email: [email protected]
We recommend checking recent business publications, local news sources, or financial reports for the latest and most accurate information on wealthy individuals in Papua New Guinea. Keep in mind that the information may be subject to change, and there might not be widely recognized billionaires or extremely wealthy individuals in the same way as in some other parts of the world.